Treatment for Painful Gums

 Receding Gums-The Condition You Don't Find out about

 Your dentist should be consulted if you have pain in your gums.

 Painful, tender, red gums could be signs and symptoms of receding gums or gum problems caused by several factors, including poor oral hygiene, aggressive brushing, genetics, and gum disease.

  •  Painful gums
  •  Tooth Sensitivity
  •  Red and Swollen Gums
  •  Gum Bleeding

 Gum disease can lead to receding gums and jawbone damage, indicating a gradual tooth decay. Some cases of pain or soreness may be caused by hormone changes in pregnancy.

 Factors behind painful gums

 Here are some ways to cause painful gums.

  •  Gum Abscess
  •  Infection
  •  Dental Treatment
  •  Tooth alignment problems
  •  Excessive brushing
  •  Bleeding Gums
  •  Improper Diet
  •  Dentures
  •  Poor Oral Hygiene
  •  Tartar Buildup
  •  Sensitive and painful teeth
  •  Tooth Loss
  •  Gum Injury

 Receding Gums

 Gum recession happens when the margins of a person’s gum tissue fall back from their tooth. This exposes more of the gums and teeth. Gum recession is when the gums recede. This can leave a gap between your tooth and gum that can be dangerous for your health.

 Receding gums could cause permanent health problems by affecting the function of your teeth.

Receding gums

 Receding Gums: Signs or symptoms

 Receding gums can also cause swelling and pain in the gums. Receding gums will gradually progress and you will start to notice the following signs:

 ➢ Long Teeth

 The common sign may be the lengthening or deterioration of teeth. They appear to grow in size if the gums around teeth recede from periodontal diseases.

➢  Exposed Tooth Roots & Tooth Sensitivity

 Exposures to the roots of their teeth can cause discomfort and pain for many patients. These may be due to periodontal disease, such as gum disease and bruxism (teeth grind), which may be caused by overbrushing with a stiff toothbrush.

➢  Loose teeth

 When you have receding gums, your teeth may become loose because of the bacteria and periodontal problems below the gum line. Recession can worsen if left untreated. This will lead to more gum pockets.

 Gum Recession Causes

 Here are some of the possible causes of gum recession.
 Gum (Periodontal) diseases

 These conditions are not typically due to bacteria but instead cause gum infections which promote gums receding. Gum disease can be the main cause of gum recession because it is caused by bacteria in the mouth and results in inflammation leading to falling teeth.

 The first stages of periodontal (gum disease) are often not noticeable and painless.

 You may experience minor symptoms such as:

  •  Red or Inflamed Gums
  •  Tender Gums
  •  Chronic Halitosis or Bad Breath
  •  Bleeding gums

Causes of Gum Recession


 Some people are more vulnerable to severe gum disease than others. Research suggests that around 30% of individuals are predisposed to gum disease. This is despite having good oral hygiene.

 Aggressive brushing

 If you brush too hard or incorrectly with a hard-bristled toothbrush, it causes bleeding gums, your gum tissue to recede, and tooth enamel to wear away.

Poor Dental Care

 The incorrect brushing, flossing or washing your mouth with antibacterial toothpaste can cause plaque to buildup and tartar to buildup.

Hormone Levels

 Hormone changes like puberty, pregnancy, or menopause could make your gums sensitive and prone to gum recession. One of the many factors that can affect gum sensitivity in a woman's life is Estrogen.

Tobacco Products

 Gum recession could be caused by smoking. Consuming tobacco services and products can boost your chances of having dental health problems.

 Teeth grinding and clenching

 Teeth grinding can put unnecessary pressure on the teeth, causing gums to recede. Bruxism (or teeth grinding) could cause gum recede and aggrave your gums.

 Crooked Teeth, or Misaligned Bite

 If teeth do not align correctly, excess pressure can be exerted on the gums or neighboring bones, leading to the gums retracting.

 Natural treatments for Gum Problems

 These natural remedies might help with painful gums.

Natural Remedies for Gum Pain

 Oil pulling

 Oil pulling can be used as a way to reduce the chance of developing recession. Use coconut oil for 10 minutes in the morning. It could kill bacteria and remove food particles. Once you've done this, rinse your mouth with warm running water and then brush your teeth.

 ➢ Warm salt water

 It really is a common, natural, and effective way to clean your skin layer. Salt water is a natural disinfectant and can be applied to your mouth for up 30 seconds. It will heal bleeding gums and other gum problems related to bacteria.

 ➢ Brushing & Flossing

 If you need a healthy mouth, regular brushing and flossing are necessary. Make use of a soft-bristled toothbrush if you have sensitive and painful gums. This will help prevent tooth loss and receding gums.

 Professional Treatment Options

 If the recession is not at an early stage and causing symptoms, such as for example tooth sensitivity, pain, or infection, then treatments such as deep cleaning, root planing, medicating infections, and tissue grafts ought to be done to stop receding gums.

Professional Treatment for Receding Gum Pain

Gum Surgery

 Receding gums could indicate that you'll require surgical intervention to alleviate your pain. Your dental hygienist or dentist can provide medical advice regarding the treatment options.

 One common treatment for receding teeth is always to elect a graft. In this procedure, doctors take tissue from the roof or inside of your cheeks to improve the gum line.

 The other most popular treatments are pinhole gum rejuvenation procedures, which really is a procedure that will gently address the original positioning of your tooth and gums. This procedure requires only 1 day of recovery.

 Receding gums is painful and embarrassing.

 Nature's Smile is an all-natural product that helps to heal receding gums to enable you to have the smile of your dreams! Nature's Smile can treat painful receding teeth. It's made of 100 % natural ingredients and has no side effects, so it's safe to use every day. This product might be right for you if you have sensitive teeth or experience pain when you eat particular foods.

 In no time, your teeth will look great again!

 It is also used to alleviate pain and irritation if the patient is sensitive.


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